picture of the church building with view from Middlefield Rd.

Make sure your voice is heard - Sign up today

Przesłane : Mar-21-2018

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In February, Cardinal Collins and bishops across Ontario asked for an email address from every Catholic family in their community, with a goal of 100,000 email addresses collected in Ontario. This information will be used locally by Cardinal Collins and trusted faith partners to communicate periodically (approximately 6-8 times/year) on issues of particular importance for the Catholic community.

Many parishes conducted Sign-Up Sundays, collecting people’s contact information at the back of the church on the weekends of February 24/25 and March 3/4. If you haven't signed up through your parish for any reason and you would like to do so, you can still have your name included by visiting http://bit.ly/SignUpSundayRegistration.

Thank you for adding your name to the Catholic voice in Ontario.