Parish Registration Form
To be formally registered in the parish, please fill out the Registration Form and return it to the office, sacristy or throw into the offertory basket.
ENROLLMENT FORM - bilungual.pdf
Baptism Registration Form
Before baptism talk to the Priests or our office. Inform us of the date at least one month before. Filled form must be returned to the office. Include please a copy of child's birth certificate. God Parents should present the certificate of eligibility from their parish Priest.
First Communion Form
If your child was baptized outside of our church, include please a copy of his/her baptismal certificate.
First Communion - Parent Declaration Form.pdf
First Communion - Registration Form.pdf
Confirmation Form
Grade 7 students receive their preparation classes at the Saturday Polish School. Others and adults interested in receiveing the Sacrament should talk directly to our Priests.
Please provide a copy of your baptismal certificate if you were baptized outside of our church.
Confirmation - Registration Form.pdf