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Archbishop Leo invites the Faithful to Join Novena for Saint Michael the Archangel
  8 September 2024 Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Archdiocesan Celebration of Saint...
+Leo COA Square
View of the church building from parking lot
Welcome to our parish!
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Poland parish. Please check our Mass schedule, come and worship with us...
Second Part of the webinar series “A Great Symphony of Prayer” Set for October
The second instalment of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) webinar series A Great Symphony of Prayer...
Airport Chaplaincy signage
Celebrating 45 Years of Airport Chaplaincy
With more than 50 million passengers and 50,000 employees serving one of the world’s largest...

Visit Us
625 Middlefield Road
Scarborough, ON
M1V 5B8

Office/Mailing Address
625 Middlefield Road
Scarborough, ON
M1V 5B8

t:  416.332.0724

Rev. Waldemar Matusiak S.Chr.

Rev. Chris Czapla S.Chr.
Associate Pastor

picture of the church building with view from Middlefield Rd.
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